Why Farm Transition Academy?

Why do we need to support animal farmers and industry workers?

The discrepancy in global agriculture is far-reaching. Animal farmers are facing issues as never before. At the same time, animal advocates are working towards creating more just food systems that minimize the harm done to the planet and its inhabitants.

Farm transitions are the process of helping farmers transition from animal agriculture into plant-based agriculture. Right now many animal agriculturists are struggling and environmental elements are worsening, many farmers want a way out. By providing farmers with resources and guidance, they can transition over to plant-based farming, renewable energy, ecotourism, vertical farming, carbon capture, and event spaces for rent, amongst others.

Farming plant-based and ethically is a sustainable way to farm and reduces harm on the planet, animals, and growers. A few sustainable farming practices include:

  1. Polyculture: A sustainable farming practice that plants multiple crops at once that are complementary to each other. Unlike some monoculture practices, this provides proper nutrients to the plants and soil and a more balanced environment. 

  2. Rewilding: This process allows agricultural land to go back to its original state by giving the land time to recover and re-establish a diverse ecological system. This process can take anywhere from 5 to 50 years!

  3. Companion cropping: This involves pairing two plants together to grow and benefit from one another. It Is common among broccoli and brussel sprouts. Not only does it help the soil but it also keeps plants fortified! 

At the Farm Transition Academy, we want to work towards a sustainable and equitable world. Our work consist of two main pillars:

  • We assists farmers and industry workers transition towards regenerative forms of agriculture and alternative forms of income. We provide business and communication strategy advice to farmers interested in transitioning.

  • We host workshops and presentations for individuals who want to become allies of farmers and industry workers who want to leave the animal farming industry and search for more stable, sustainable, and safe sources of income.

Check out OUR SERVICES to learn more about the support services, workshops, and resources we can provide to anybody interested in learning more about farm transitions and industry worker support.